
Planning Committee

Date: Wednesday, 22 May 2024 Time: 10:30 AM


1.   Apologies
2.   Declarations of Interest
3.   Minutes of Planning Committee meeting held 24 April 2024 (Minutes attached
4.   Order of Items and Confirmation of Registered Speakers
5.   Schedule of Applications:
     5.1    LA01/2023/0431/F, Major, Lands South of Semicock Park, Semicock Avenue and Route Gardens, to North of Greenhill Drive and the Council depot and to West of Knock Road, Ballymoney (report attached) (Speaking Rights - Chris Bryson) (Addendum) (Erratum)
     5.2   LA01/2016/0127/F, Major, 235m S E of 75 Duncrun Road, Magilligan,Limavady (report attached) (Addendum)
     5.3   LA01/2022/0789/O, Council Interest, No's 46-52 Portstewart Road, Coleraine Council (report attached) (Supporting Infromation from Agent) (Addendum)
     5.4   LA01/2024/0151/F, Council Interest, Carrick Dhu Caravan Park, 12 Ballyreagh Road, Portrush (report attached)
     5.5   LA01/2022/0137/F, Objection Item, Lands at and to the rear of "Briarfield", 107 Hopefield Road, Portrush (report attached) (Speaking Rights - David Worthington/Nick Brown) (Letter of Objection Jude Moore)
     5.6   LA01/2022/0212/LBC, Objection Item, Lands at "Briarfield", 107 Hopefield Road, Portrush (report attached) (Speaking Rights - David Worthington/Nick Brown)
     5.7   LA01/2022/0885/O, Referral, Site adjacent to No. 55 Green Road, Quilly, Coleraine (report attached) (Speaking Rights - Richard Moore) (Site Visit report)
     5.8    LA01/2020/0631/O, Referral, 168 Agivey Road, Coleraine (report attached) (Addendum) (Erratum) (Speaking Rights - Mark Smyth) (Speaking Rights - Councillor Bateson) (Site Visit Report) (Addendum 2)
     5.9    LA01/2021/0650/F, Referral, Lands Between 46 Glenshesk Road and Drumahaman Bridge, Ballycastle (report attached) (Addendum) (Addendum 2) (Speaking Rights - Michael McKeown)
     5.10  LA01/2022/0239/F, Referral, Land approx 60m SE of 190 Coleraine Road, Portstewart (report attached) (Speaking Rights - Matt Kennedy) (Correspondence from Applicant) (Addendum/Erratum)
     5.11  LA01/2022/1582/O, Referral, Approximately 65m South of 3a Heagles Road, Ballybogey (report attached) (Speaking Rights - Jason Martin)
     5.12  LA01/2023/0627/O, Referral, 30m South of 34-38 Ballymadigan Road, Castlerock (report attached) (Speaking Rights - Chris McKernan) (Addendum) (Objection)
     5.13  LA01/2023/0133/O, Referral, Lands adjacent and west of 15 Kilnadore Road, Cushendall (report attached) (Speaking Rights - Colin/Caoimhe O'Callaghan) (Letter of Support)
     5.14  LA01/2023/0346/F, Referral, 58 Drumagarner Road, Kilrea (report attached) (Speaking Rights - Johann Muldoon)
6.   Correspondence: 
    6.1  Mid & East Antrim Council – LDP 2030 – Update (correspondence attached)
    6.2  DfI – Planning Fees (correspondence attached)
7.   Reports:
   7.1  Advance Notice of Listings (report attached)
   7.2  Development Management Information Note - PAD Process (report attached)
   7.3  Implementation of Validation Checklist (report attached)
8.   Confidential Items:
   8.1  Update on Legal Issues (Verbal) 
   8.2  NI Regional Planning IT System – 2023/24 – ICF Finance Update (report attached) 
9. Any Other Relevant Business (in accordance with Standing Order 12 (o))

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