Objectives and Strategic Actions
Council facilitated the setting up of an Anti-Poverty Stakeholder Steering Group in December 2020 which brings together community and voluntary organisations whose core purpose is supporting people experiencing fiancial difficulty, including established foodbanks, advice centres and charities, along with relevant statutory agencies, to ensure a collaborative and co-ordinated approach to support. The Group has developed an action plan with a series of objectives and strategic actions to set the direction for their work. These have been shaped by the partner organisations and wider engagement through a series of focus groups and surveys. The Group guided DfC funded Covid response initiatives in the borough and has delivered several initiatives including a ‘Where To Turn’ campaign to promote awareness of support services that are available for people who find themselves struggling financially, as well as a Wraparound Support Programme and Fuel Support Scheme.
- Objective 1: Increase the coordination between organisations working to support those most in need in Causeway Coast and Glens
- Objective 2: Support those on low incomes or those in financial crises in Causeway Coast and Glens to maximize their income and review their costs
- Objective 3: Improve the capacity of those that support those most in need
- Objective 4: Promote better information, signposting and communication
- Objective 5: Work in partnership with others to tackle the causes of poverty
Members of the Anti-Poverty Stakeholder Steering Group
- Ballycastle Foodbank
- Ballymoney Foodbank
- BCRC Community Navigator for Older People
- Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council (Community Development, Community Planning, Energy Efficiency, Environmental Resources & Neighbourhood Renewal)
- Causeway GP Federation Multi Disciplinary Team (MDT) Social Work
- CCG Labour Market Partnership
- Coleraine Neighbourhood Renewal Partnership Chair
- Community Advice Causeway
- Department for Communities
- Education Authority
- Limavady Community Development Initiative (Roe Valley Community Foodbank & Limavady Social Supermarket)
- Limavady Multi Disciplinary Team (MDT) Social Work
- Limavady Neighbourhood Renewal Partnership Chair
- Northern Heath and Social Care Trust
- Western Health and Social Care Trust
- Public Health Agency
- Salvation Army
- St Vincent de Paul
- Vineyard Compassion (Causeway Foodbank & Reset Social Supermarket)