Tuesday 11 February 2025 Environmental Services Committee
Environmental Services Committee
1. Apologies
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Minutes of previous meeting held Tuesday 14 January 2025 (summary attached)
4. ‘Connected Causeway - Update for Environmental Services Committee’ – Presentation from SIB
Project Manager
5. Prohibition or Restriction of Use of Public Roads: Special Events (report attached)
6. Capping of Craigahulliar Landfill Site (report to follow)
FOR INFORMATION (Items 7-14 inclusive)
7. Amusement Permit Renewals (report attached)
8. Entertainment Licence Renewals (report attached)
9. Approval of Premises as a Venue for Civil Marriage (report attached)
10. Approval of Premises as a Venue for Civil Partnership (report attached)
11. Licences Issued under Delegated Authority (report attached)
12. Petroleum Spirit Licence Renewals (report attached)
13. Transfer of Landlord Registration Scheme to Local Councils (report attached)
14. Period 9 – ES Management Accounts and Financial Position 2024/25 (report to follow)
15. Matters for Reporting to Partnership Panel
16. Consultations
17. Correspondence
18. Harbour & Marina Strategy Procurement (report attached)
FOR INFORMATION IN COMMITTEE (Items 19-21 inclusive)
19. Street Trading Licence Renewals (report attached)
20. North West Region Waste Management Group (NWRWMG) – Joint Committee Minutes (report attached)
21. Increase in Fees for Car Park Enforcement Contract (report attached)
22. Any Other Relevant Business (notified in accordance with Standing Order 12 (0))
Alderman Fielding
Can an update be provided on discussions between the Council, NIHE and DFI Roads regarding the road closure of Ramore Street Portrush and what measures can be undertaken to inform visitors that landsdowne Car park is still accessible to the businesses operating in that locality.