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Tuesday 25 February 2025 Corporate Policy and Resources Committee

Corporate Policy and Resources Committee

Date: Tuesday, 25th February 2025 Time: 07:00 PM


1.  Apologies

2.  Declarations of Interest

3.  Minutes of the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee Meeting held Tuesday 28 January 2025 (summary attached)

4.  Minutes of Commemoration and Celebration Sub-Committee Meeting held on 05 February 2025 (minutes attached)

5.  Corporate Services Management Accounts P9 (report attached)

6.  NILGA Local Government Awards Nominations (report attached)

7.  Business Plans Mid Year Review (report attached)

7.1  ODHR (report attached)

7.2  Policy and Community Planning (report attached)

7.3  Democratic and Central Services (report to follow)

7.4  ICT (report to follow)

7.5  Performance (report attached)

8.  Women’s Working Group (notes to follow)

9.  Conferences

10.  Correspondence (report attached)

11.  Matters for Reporting to the Partnership Panel

12.  Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor Kennedy, seconded by Councillor Stirling (Deferred from 250128 CP&R Committee Meeting)  

I call upon this Council to create a funding pot for Community Groups who are Guardians of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) in our borough.  Community Groups are finding it increasingly difficult to replace and maintain the equipment. This initiative is designed to  address the risk of a defibrillator being out of use due to pads having been used and not replaced due to community groups not having adequate funding to replace the pads. Our communities must be equipped to respond to emergencies swiftly and effectively.  When it comes to life, every second counts. This funding will  undoubtedly save lives.           


13.  Minutes of the Land and Property Sub-Committee Meeting held on 05   February 2025 (unredacted copy attached)

13.1  Assignment of Lease (report to follow)

14.  Rising Star Awards – PPMA UK Conference (report attached)

15.  NJC Pay Award Briefing Questionnaire (report attached)

16.  Transformation Action Plan - ODHR Progress Update, including Organisation Review Terms of Reference (report attached)

17.  Any Other Relevant Business (notified in accordance with Standing Order 12(o))

Councillor Kane 

Further to Item 8.2 of the Land & Property Sub-Committee meeting on 4 September 2024, to request an update on the adoption by First Registration of the 1924 Deed of Conveyance and the completion of repairs to the laneway between Eastermeade Gardens and Townhead Street Car Park, Ballymoney.

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